About Us

You found us! We are not sure what you were looking for, but here you are. Introductions are definitely in order. I am William James Forward III and Carol Ann Forward is my wife. Not impressed? Then Bill and Carol works. Carol and I have been life-partners for 50 years. At times I have considered our partnership to be an LLC, but in those moments, I believe Carol considered it more of a codependency on my part.

Carol and I have 60+ years of experience teaching biology and during that time we had a photography business that supplemented our instructional income. To this day we have never had a home without a darkroom. Eighteen years ago we retired from teaching. I became a fly fishing guide, writer and the Sr. Editor of Sierra Fisherman Magazine, and Carol spent her time further honing her skills in photography by classifying and recording wildflowers in the Sierra. Concurrently, we traveled and photographed wildlife.

This site is designed to visually share our experiences. Here we have posted highlights from a journey to Africa. We will be soon adding our galleries from the Galapagos, Amazon, China, and the USA. We hope you will enjoy the images as much as we do sharing them.